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Spirit Games (Est. 1984) - Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures and scenery, new and traditional board and card games for the last 20 years sells Princes of the Renaissance

Princes of the Renaissance


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Was £56.99, Now £43.00
Welcome to Renaissance Italy in the 15th Century, a time of literature, music, philosophy, art and science. These descendants of Ancient Rome witness astounding achievements being unveiled at every turn. So too has greed, influence, power and war taken a prominent place for some of the most powerful families.

Finally returning to print after more than a decade, Princes of the Renaissance pits 3-6 players against each other to control the most influential people in Renaissance Italy. Over three decades, players seek to gain victory as they wield the power of cities, events, and troops. Pinning your hopes on one or more cities may be the key to achieve more points than your opponent. But skilful use of troops in war can gain points as well - a powerful army can command great prestige! It is up to the players to decide the best course of action: armed conflict, political connections, cultural patronage, or treachery. Players must find the right balance to propel them to the most powerful family in renaissance Italy.

This new edition of Princes of the Renaissance features new content and gameplay improvements based on the feedback of the legion of fans of the first edition. New city tiles and treachery cards increase the number of different strategies for players to employ, ensuring that no two games are exactly the same.

Printed in the highest quality, this is a game you're certain to enjoy again and again. If you've never experienced life as a Prince of the Renaissance, here is your chance!

Reviews Review Game There is no review for this game at the moment why not be the first to review it (you never know you might win a prize)?

Princes of the Renaissance by Board Game Geek Link for more Reviews

5% over £50
10% over £100

These volume discounts are in addition to sale and special offer prices.

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Playing Time
3 hours
Game Type
Strategy Games
Area Control
Mercury Games
No. Players
3-6 Players
Martin Wallace
Reduced Items
13 +
Manufacturer's Code

Spirit Games (Est. 1984, Lefglow Ltd) - Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures and scenery, new and traditional board and card games for the last 41 years

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